Our Club celebrated our Career and Technical Education/Vocational Scholarship winners. They received scholarships from our Club and from District 6440.

We served food for a dockside party by the Fox River to raise funds for our foundation.

Members John Sweeney and Tassie Brautigam deliver our donations for Easter to TriCity Family Services. With Sarah Russe, Director of Development and Mary Kay Dowling.
We helped the Rotary Club of Ndola get a couple wheel chairs and a walker. The little 5 year old was so excited to get a walker so he could get around on his own and not have to be carried by his mother.
Our Kirk Road Cleanup was a success. Thank you to our Interactors for helping out!
Thank you to one of our Rotary Andy's for putting together this great year in review video! The 2022-2023 Rotary year was a busy one for us.
St. Charles Breakfast Rotary supports Literacy in the Community through a book fair at Barnes & Noble, Geneva.